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Hometown Heros

The Chamber is proud to be sponsoring our Hometown Hero Banner Program to honor men and women who have served or are currently serving in the United States Military branches. The program features customized red, white, and blue banners displaying the name, branch of service, and photo of each honored servicemember. The banners are proudly displayed throughout the villages of Bath, NY and Bradford, NY.

The cost of each banner is $225. The number of banners that we can currently put up is limited. Purchases will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Any applicant that cannot be accommodated will be placed on a waiting list. We will also be working to expand the number of banner display places in the future.

Banners will be displayed for three years with an option for renewal at that time. Contributions toward the program will also be accepted.

To make a nomination please complete the form below. Following submission, please mail checks, made payable to:

Central Steuben Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 488
Bath, NY 14810

For more information please call the Chamber Office at (607) 776-7122 or Contact Us

Hometown Hero Nomination Form

Service Member Information

Sponsor Information

I hereby grant Central Steuben Chamber of Commerce permission to use the attached photo (which includes a likeness of myself or of my relative) in the Hometown Hero Banner Program. In addition, I take full responsibility that all information provided about the veteran being honored is accurate and correct.

Please be upload a high-resolution image required for quality banner output
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